Identify and analyse role of communities of practice in knowledge management and the challenges and issues pertaining to community of practice.

Describe the different issues related to environmental scanning, strategy formulation, and strategy implementation in diversified organizations.

Chapter 6.  Strategy Formation: Situation Analysis and Business Strategy

Textbook: Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, D., Hoffman, A. N., & Bamford, C. E. (2014). Concepts in strategic management and business policy (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN-13: 9780133126129 (print), 9780133126433 (e-text)

Mintzberg, H. (1978). Patterns in Strategy Formulation. Management Science, 24(9), 934-948.

Question 1

What is the relevance of the resource-based view of the firm to strategic management in a global environment?

1.1  Learning Outcomes:

Identify and analyse role of communities of practice in knowledge management and the challenges and issues pertaining to community of practice.


6.2 Action Required:

Click on the following link to read about communities of practice, how they support the organization and different types of communities.

6.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

How communities of practice support organizations? Which type of community is best for the organization you work in?