What year were unadjusted prices the highest?

The following table shows inflation rates for several decades into 2020 dollars.


Time span 1980-2020 1990-2020 2000-2020 2010-2020
Inflation 232% 102% 53% 19%



The following table shows the nominal (unadjusted) prices for gold over several years. Complete the table showing gold prices in constant 2020 dollars. (Round to the nearest cent.) Show your work below the table.                                                       

[(5 x 0.2)(table) + (4 x 1)(work) = 5 pt]


Year 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
Nominal (unadjusted) price per ounce $516.92 $381.73 $273.68 $1179.25 $1636.35
Constant (adjusted) price per ounce in 2020 dollars          


1a.     1980



1b.     1990



1c.     2000



1d.     2010



1e.     2020



It is not necessary to adjust the 2020 price,

but you must still fill in the table above in constant 2020 dollars!

The bar charts below display the unadjusted gold prices per ounce (left) from the previous page and the adjusted prices (in 2020) that you calculated.

2.    Unadjusted Prices     (0.25+0.25+2=2.5 pts) 3.    Adjusted Prices         (0.25+0.25+2=2.5 pts)
2a. In what year were unadjusted prices the


3a. In what year were adjusted prices the lowest?
2b. In what year were unadjusted prices the


3b. In what year were adjusted prices the


2c. Describe the trend(s) in unadjusted prices over

time. Use words like increase, decrease,

and/or constant and mention specific years.


3c. Describe the trend(s) in adjusted prices over

time. Use words like increase, decrease,

and/or constant and mention specific years.




Partial Answer Key: No specific values are provided, but here’s a hint: Check your inflation-adjusted prices from 1a-1d against the price-adjusted bar graph at the top-right of page 2 to see if they match. You won’t be able to tell exact values, but you can tell if your answers are close to what they should be.