How does the physical classroom arrangement support or hinder instruction?

Classroom Practice Reflection 1

Choose an English Language Arts (ELA) lesson from these instructional videos.


(you can choose an age group and topic from the ELA category that interests you). Then, write a brief (about two or three double-spaced pages) typed, narrative reflection based on your observations. Your reflection should include these four sections.

(Note that you do not have to answer every question within each section; these prompts are designed to help guide your thinking toward thoughtful, concise, and detailed writing.)reference the course text throughout these sections.

Section 1: What instructional decisions is the teacher making? How is the teacher using instructional time? How is the teacher assessing what students know?
Section 2: Who are the students? What are they doing? How are they responding to the activities? What do they struggle with? How does the teacher respond?
Section 3: Learning Environment. How does the physical classroom arrangement support or hinder instruction?
Section 4: Future Classroom: What does this video make you consider for your future classroom?