What purpose does Twain have in pairing Jim with Huck-In pairing Tom with Huck in the final chapters?

Remember, when you quote from the novel, you must use in-text citations, and you must have a works cited page.

What purpose does Twain have in pairing Jim with Huck? In pairing Tom with Huck in the final chapters?

How are disguises used in the novel? How are multiple identities/aliases useful to Twain’s characters?

There are a number of accounts of thieves and dishonesty in the novel. What is the purpose of these characters in the novel?

Who are the villains of this novel? Why are they villains?

Select your favorite quotation, one that is most pivotal to understanding the novel and discuss how this quotation helps to explain the overall theme of the novel.

(Questions 1-5 count as 10 points each.)

Short Essay question: (at least one type-written page)

Add an alternative ending to the novel or add to the final chapter. (This final question counts for 50 points).

Use your imagination and description to write either an alternate ending or add to the final chapter.

Length: at least one type-written page

Book: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/76/76-h/76-h.htm