Did the interviewee achieve his goal of motivating, persuading, or entertaining?

Summary of the Interview

In the second body paragraph, give the synopsis of the interview. What was the interview about? What was happening in the world when this interview was given? You can also explain why you chose this interview.

Analysis of the Interview

In the third body paragraph, analyze it and state what you understood of it. You could explain how the interview captures the audience.

How did the interview successfully convey an idea? Was there sufficient variety in rate, pause, and pitch? Was it memorable? You can also mention the interviewee’s appearance, movements, gestures, and expressions.

Did the interviewee achieve his goal of motivating, persuading, or entertaining? Why does this inteview matter?


Provide your conclusion here. Here you will also restate your thesis statement and add a closing statement.

This is a spot for reflection and an opportunity to repeat what you said in the previous paragraphs.

Your conclusion brings your ideas together and turns five small paragraphs into one complete essay.