Describe the number of skilled and nonskilled jobs the business will create, and indicate how purchases of supplies and other materials can help local businesses.

Solar Panels Business Plan

A business plan is a carefully constructed guide for a person starting a business. The purpose of a well-prepared business plan is to show how practical and attainable the entrepreneur’s goals are. It also serves as a concise document that potential investors can examine to see if they would like to invest or assist in financing a new venture. A business plan should include the following 12 components:


Executive summary

Benefits to the community

Company and industry

Management team

Manufacturing and operations plan

Labor force

Marketing plan

Financial plan

Exit strategy

Critical risks and assumptions


A brief description of each of these sections is provided in Chapter 5. This is the first of seven exercises that appear at the ends of each of the seven major parts in this textbook. The goal of these exercises is to help you work through the preceding components to create your own business plan.


1.1.Start with the cover page. Provide the business name, street address, telephone number, Web address (if any), name(s) of owner(s) of the business, and the date the plan is issued.

1.2.Next, provide background information on the company and include the general nature of the business: retailing, manufacturing, or service; what your product or service is; what is unique about it; and why you believe that your business will be successful.

1.3.Then include a summary statement of the business’s financial needs, if any. You probably will need to revise your financial needs summary after you complete a detailed financial plan later in Part 6.

1.4.Finally, include a statement of confidentiality to keep important information away from potential competitors.

1.5.Describe the number of skilled and nonskilled jobs the business will create, and indicate how purchases of supplies and other materials can help local businesses.

1.6.Next, describe how providing needed goods or services will improve the community and its standard of living.

1.7.Finally, state how your business can offer attractive wages; develop new technical, management, or leadership skills; and provide other types of individual growth