Explain the organization of the human body from cells to tissue, tissues to organs, organs to systems, systems to the complete human.

Midterm online quiz

Course Goals:

Upon completion of HSCE 1020 and 1030 students will be able to:
1. Identify all systems of the human body, their organs, tissues and cell types and describe how structure relates to function at all levels.
2. Integrate knowledge of the functioning of all the systems of the body in order to explain how the body functions as a whole.

Educational Objectives:

HSCE 1020 is designed to prepare students for advanced study in the Faculty of Health Professions. Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate the proper use of descriptive anatomical and directional terminology.
2. Explain the organization of the human body from cells to tissue, tissues to organs, organs to systems, systems to the complete human.
3. Describe how the various systems of the body function together.
4. Identify and describe the basic anatomical structures and the physiologic functions of the integumentary system, including its role in homeostasis.
5. Identify and describe the anatomical structures and the physiologic functions of the skeletal system, including its role in osteogenesis, support and protection.
6. Identify and describe the anatomical structures and the physiologic functions of the muscular system, including its role in support, protection and movement.
7. Identify and describe the anatomical structures and the physiologic functions of the nervous system, including its role in receiving and integrating information and in effecting change in the body.
8. Discuss the concept of homeostasis and explain how the body’s control systems work to maintain a homeostatic balance.

Required Textbook
Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 16th Edition WileyPLUS LMS Card, Gerard J. Tortora, Bryan H. Derrickson ©2021 To support you in your purchase of this resource please contact the Dalhousie Health Sciences Bookstore at: https://bookstore.dal.ca/CourseSearch/?course[]=HS-SUB,HS-F22,HSCE,HSCE1020,&