How the issue with abortion in the USA is so muddy.

college essay

For your literary work, we ask you to present a perspective based on just one word. This year the word is “muddy.”

In 500 words or less, present your perspective on “muddy.”

Literary work will be evaluated on the basis of:
1. Creativity
2. Relevance to the topic;
3. Development of the perspective or position in the essay;
4. Focus and organization;
5. Clarity and precision of ideas;
6. Fluency in writing and language;
7. Facility with conventions of standard written English (grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and mechanics).

One suggestion: how the issue with abortion in the USA is so muddy. Two diff views. Rights of women’s own bodies and right to live.

Or you write something else about current affairs in the USA. Make sure it is high school student level.