How might different ways of knowing influence services provided by this organization and what might your role be in promoting and advocating for change for gaps in services?

Topic: Your Role as Social Worker within the Organizational Context: Self-Reflection/Preparing for Practice.

Social workers working within human service organizations are often challenged to apply their skills to many different worker-client environments/settings.

Choose a specific agency/organization among public(governmental), non-profit (voluntary) or private (for-profit) types of organizational settings.

Your reflective paper should first provide a brief overview of the chosen organization/agency and its service offering.

Using the agency’s mission and/or vision statements and other pertinent material, describe (include who the client is and how services are delivered) and then critically assess the merits and drawbacks of your potential professional work in that setting.

Is this agency a fit for you? Why or why not? Do the values fit within your own personal value system? What are some of the challenges here?

How might different ways of knowing influence services provided by this organization and what might your role be in promoting and advocating for change for gaps in services?

For example, are indigenous ways of knowing considered? Supports and resources for newcomers? Francophones?

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