Explain how this discovery is important for the scientific community.

Human Evolution 101

Assignment 2: Physical Anthropology

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to review a scientific magazine article about a recent (last five years) evolutionary discovery about human ancestor or hominid evolution (dating to the Mesolithic or earlier).

Background: As articulated in the textbook, new fossil evidence can cause a scientist to review and often modify their theoretical framework in explaining hominid evolution.

Fossils are not the only archaeological remains that educate scientists about our evolutionary past. In some circumstances, items utilized by hominins have brought greater attention to abilities and capacities of culture, society, learning, and appreciation of art.

Therefore, you are tasked with finding an article about a new discovery that may or has changed our understanding of hominid evolution.

Sources for article must come from one of the following. If you find another that you want to use you must clear it with the professor first (note these have free article availability).

Discovery Magazine National Geographic Scientific American
Smithsonian Magazine Science Magazine Science News

Paper: Write a five paragraph paper that describes and summarizes the article you found. The article (not a blog or opinion piece) you choose should be over 700 words in length.

State the title of the article and briefly explain what topics the paper will cover. Remember that a thesis statement is the last sentence of the paragraph and summarizes what the paper will talk about.

Summarize the key points in the article. Be sure to state what the find was and where it was found. State the main question the author attempts to answer with the find.

What material was found by archaeologists or discovery made in a lab (e.g., about dating processes, genetic similarities, etc.)?

Explain how this discovery is important for the scientific community. If it is new information, then explain why it’s new, ground breaking, or what makes it unique (which means you have to know the old ideas too).

Explore how it compares to the information introduced in your book and/or lecture (could it change existing theories). Explain significance of this find in comparison to the content in your textbook and/or lecture (remember use of material from either requires citations).

Conclude by explaining whether you were surprised by the find and why. Does this article challenge or confirm your understanding of human origins (before taking this class) and what were those views based on? Use this opportunity to critique the content/argument of the article.