How do you think closer ties between our two countries might affect Cuba and the United States in the future-Discuss.

Assignment 4

One significant development in U.S. international relations in recent years has been its
evolving relationship with Cuba, a country located in the Caribbean region (Chapter
5). Changes in U.S.-Cuba relations tie in very well with the theme of globalization that
you focused on in the last discussion forum.
Before posting to this week’s forum, please watch the ABC News segment “A Brief
History of U.S.-Cuba Relations” and read the Harvard International Review article “A
Dilemma in Paradise: The Future of U.S.-Cuba Relations.” Then spend some more time
learning about U.S.-Cuba relations by consulting at least one other resource on the
Once you have reflected on what you have learned, access the Discussion Board and
click on the “U.S.-Cuba Relations” heading to enter the forum. Create a new thread in
which you address the following writing prompts:
 Do you support closer political and economic ties between the United States and
Cuba? Do you believe the U.S. should end the economic embargo against Cuba?
Explain and justify your position.
 How do you think closer ties between our two countries might affect Cuba and
the United States in the future? Discuss.
You should write one substantive paragraph in response to each of the prompts (two
paragraphs total). Your post should be composed of 200-300 words. At the end of
your post, include a link to one of the sources you consulted for this