Conduct a situational analysis (environmental scan) and SWOT analysis, identify the product offerings, keys to success, and any critical issues your business currently faces, including COVID.

Required Sources: Kotler, P., & Keller, K. (2016). Marketing Management. (15th ed.). Boston, MA: Prentice Hall.


This week you will review the environment your organization operates in. Conduct a situational analysis (environmental scan) and SWOT analysis, identify the product offerings, keys to success, and any critical issues your business currently faces, including COVID. This completes section 2 of your marketing plan.

There are 2 sample marketing plans in the text. The first plan is for Pegasus Sports on pages 61-65, and the second plan is for Sonic on A1-A12. There is an example of an environmental scan and a template posted in Moodle to help you.