How could each of these tools assist you in refining your work?

You’ll complete this assignment in several steps:

First, open the files you submitted in Units 7, 8, and 9 and use the ‘Save As’ command in each of these programs to rename your file using the following standard:

Second, carefully consider the feedback your instructor gave you for these assignments in the previous units and incorporate the suggested changes into the newly-renamed files. Save all changes.

Third, review the instructions for these exercises again, making sure you’ve completed all of the steps.

While feedback from an instructor or peers in an academic setting is essential for success, ultimately, it’s up to you, the creator, to make sure the work meets standards. If you make changes during this step, be sure to save your work.

If you made changes to your files for this assignment, detail what changes you made. Discuss the importance of the revision process in academic work.

Also, identify two tools from this unit (e.g., Grammarly, Track Changes, Spell Check) that could help you with revising your academic work. How could each of these tools assist you in refining your work?

If you didn’t need to make changes to your files for this assignment because you scored perfectly on each assignment in the initial units, explain to your reader the importance of revision in the academic setting and what steps you undertook in the initial units to make sure your project received high marks.

Also, identify two tools from this unit (e.g., Grammarly, Track Changes, Spell Check) that could help you with revising your academic work. How could each of these tools assist you in refining your work?