how are groups and/or individuals influenced by some of the social forces we are discussing in class?

to understand how contemporary events can be examined and analyzed using sociological theories/frameworks and the sociological imagination.

Explain how the article subject matter relates to and/or can be analyzed through major sociological concepts (sociological perspective, sociological imagination etc.), sociological frameworks and/or sociological theories that we have discussed in class. In the article/subject area you have chosen, how are groups and/or individuals influenced by some of the social forces we are discussing in class?

You are required to include: (ONLY) one of the Big Three frameworks as an integral part of your paper and include a related/relevant sociological theorist in a meaningful way in your discussion.

Be clear in your points and in making connections between framework and actual events in society. Be very brief in relating events from article –instead spend most of your space in analysis.

Use specific examples. The only citation at the end (and this one is required) will be an APA citation of the news article on which your posting is based.