why do you suppose these strains did not lead to criminal behavior (or, if they did lead to criminal behavior, how would Agnew’s theory account for this)?

week 2 discussion

Week 2: Strain Theory

1. Think of three strains you have experienced in your life and answer the following, in light of Agnew’s general strain theory. Identify which of Agnew’s three major types of strain are represented by your list.

Applying Agnew’s theory, why do you suppose these strains did not lead to criminal behavior (or, if they did lead to criminal behavior, how would Agnew’s theory account for this)? Be specific. Justify your response in some detail. Make an argument, provide evidence, and cite your sources.

2. Use strain theory to describe how the United States’s capitalistic market influences crime. Based on that theory, develop a crime reduction strategy. That is, if this type of strain is causing crime, how can you solve that problem? Be specific. Justify your response in some detail. Make an argument, provide evidence, and cite your sources.

3.Compare one of the strain theories discussed this week with the Chicago School theories from last week. Discuss the major components of each. What strengths does strain theory have, compared to the Chicago School? What weaknesses do strain theories have, compared to the Chicago School? If you were to design a crime reduction policy, which of these theories would be easier to implement? Be specific. Justify your response in some detail. Make an argument, provide evidence, and cite your sources.