Discuss the contributions and limitations of Realism, Liberalism, and Constructivism in their explanations of global politics.

– Discuss the contributions and limitations of Realism, Liberalism, and Constructivism in their explanations of global politics.

Describe how each theory assigns importance to particular actors and processes. What other theoretical approaches address global politics?

– The bulk of your answer should address the three main Global Politics theories identified in the beginning of the question. The rest of your response should then cover the other approaches in at least a couple of paragraphs overall. Utilize the key terms, readings, lectures, and videos in constructing your response. Explain the views and actors associated with each theory and apply them to explaining global politics. You can identify which theory you subscribe to if you wish.

Watch these videos and get some ideas from them.

– https://youtu.be/UnKEFSVAiNQ

– https://youtu.be/tZbDMUaqwE8

– https://youtu.be/kYU9UfkV_XI