During research, scientists report studies’ conclusions in short abstracts. Reading science articles and writing science abstracts will help you communicate knowledge to others.
Step 1: Select and carefully read a science article. Choose a science article within the topic assigned that interests you! Articles must be no more than 3 months old, and of adequate length. If you choose a very short article, you will have difficulty writing the assignment.
Step 2: Paste the link for your article at the top of your report.
Step 3: Writing the report: The report must be typed. You must use size 12 and a standard font (Times New Roman etc). The following steps must be typed in the order below:
Bibliography/Citation: Use MLA formats to properly credit your source 4 Ws:
Who (scientist or author):
What (what is the article about):
When (month or year):
Where (location or university):
Write a new vocabulary word and its definition (use a dictionary) from the article.
Summary: What did the article say?
Describe the main ideas in order of appearance. Use your own words to summarize the main points of the article and show your understanding of the article.
The summary will have at least 10 sentences of adequate length and depth.
Reflections Paragraph: How do you feel about this topic?
In a paragraph with at least 10 sentences, react to the information in the article.
Note the article’s strengths and weaknesses using evidence. Support your reasoning with details and examples from your own life, past knowledge, and from the article. What questions would you ask the author or researcher? Examine how the information was helpful or interesting.
Step 4: Turning in the report. Email your article to me and put the title current event 1, 2, 3, in the subject line with your name. Label each part as listed above.
If you copy the summary from the internet…This is plagiarism and you will receive a zero.
If the article is not current within 3 months you will not get credit.
Possible Sources:
Science Daily: http://www.sciencedaily.com/
Popular Science: http://www.popsci.com/
PBS: http://www.pbs.org/topics/science-nature/
Science News: https://www.sciencenews.org/
Scientific American: http://www.scientificamerican.com/
Discovery Channel: http://www.discovery.com/topics/