How does Reckless explain the fact that “good boys” are able to grow up without committing crime in bad areas?

Week 3: Control Theories

1. Explain the differences between control theories and the other sociological explanations of crime (e.g., differential association/social learning theories, strain/anomie theories). What are the differences in assumptions between the different types of theories? Which theory do you believe is the most valid? Why? Make an argument, provide evidence, cite your sources.

2. How do Sykes and Matza’s techniques of neutralization allow crime to occur? How is this in opposition to the subcultural theories proposed by Anderson and Cohen? How could Sykes and Matza’s techniques of neutralization be applied to noncriminal behavior? How have you used some of these techniques in your own life? What policy implications can arise from Sykes and Matza’s theory? Make an argument, provide evidence, cite your sources.

3. What is drift? How does drift influence delinquent behavior? How does Reckless explain the fact that “good boys” are able to grow up without committing crime in bad areas? What policies would Reckless propose to reduce crime? Make an argument, provide evidence, cite your sources.

4. Apply social bonding theory OR self-control theory to your own life by doing the following:
For social bonding theory: Describe your attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief. Using social bonding theory, how would Hirschi explain your behavior? Does his theory of crime fit you and your behavior? Explain. Make an argument, provide evidence, cite your sources.
For self-control: Describe your level of self-control, drawing on Gottfredson and Hirschi’s description of low self-control. How would Gottfredson and Hirschi explain this level of self-control? Are they correct in your case? Explain. Does Gottfredson and Hirschi’s theory of crime fit you and your behavior? Explain. Make an argument, provide evidence, cite your sources.

5. Read D. L. McCabe’s 1992 article, “The Influence of Situational Ethics on Cheating among College Students” (Sociological Inquiry, Vol. 62, pp. 278–86). How did McCabe test the idea of techniques of neutralization? What were his findings? Give specific examples of the sorts of neutralizations used by students, linking each example to specific techniques identified by Sykes and Matza. If this were happening at Webster, what kind of policy should the university put in place? Make an argument, provide evidence, cite your sources.