Listed below are topic(s) would like for each of you to discuss throughout the week. Refer to the textbook, weekly materials, and/or the GMC library when researching the topics for this Discussion Forum. Put your writing into your own words, do not copy directly from the source.
If you incorporate external resources ( in your posts be sure to cite ( them properly. Lastly, review how to paraphrase and quote resources before you begin posting (
Outline a scenario where you would use a specific type of algorithm. Could other algorithms be used? If so, why should they not be used? Defend why your choice of algorithm would be used compared to others.
Task 1: Create a new discussion topic on or before the due date in the Course Syllabus -> Course Schedule by clicking the ‘REPLY HERE’ post below. In your reply, you will post your response to the main topic. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words. Going over the minimum word length requirement is acceptable; however,
Class book: Computer Science Illuminated (Ed. 7)
by Dale, Nell, Lewis, John