How do these studies impact our knowledge of human behavior?

Research Review Paper Guidelines

You are required to complete a 5 page paper comparing classic research studies in psychology. You will read the two research articles provided and compare and contrast the studies using the questions below:

1. Type a 5 page double-spaced paper using APA format that includes the following information:

a. Introduction-briefly summarize the 2 studies. What is the focus of the study? How was it set up? How did they collect their data? Make
sure you clearly identify the research question.

For example: “This study was questioning the impact of control on behavior.”

b. Results-what conclusions did the researchers come to at the end of
their studies? How do these studies impact our knowledge of human
behavior? Why are these studies important in the field of psychology?

c. Application- Apply these studies to your own life or to the life of
others close to you. What other examples from current sources
(news, media, internet, etc.) come to mind after reading these studies?

d. Conclusion-give your final thoughts on these studies. Were they
ethical? Do you believe they made a lasting impact on how we view
behavior? Have they changed your view on human behavior in any