What is the fundamental contradiction of the United States founding discussed by Alexander in this excerpt?


address and answer each question below.


Throughout history, the United States has been plagued by structures and mechanisms that promoted a racial caste system within the United States. Structures from Jim Crow to mass incarceration, have been revamped over time to meet the needs of the dominant social order of the time.
Read the following article. Then respond to the following questions:

Slavery as a Form of Racialized Social Control Article:

Alexander writes, “The concept of race is a relatively recent development.” In light of this statement and the argument she makes to defend it, have your ideas about race changed? How might our society change if this were accepted by all as fact?

How is “racial bribe” described in this excerpt? How can the notion of a racial bribe be useful in understanding contemporary social policy debates (i.e., healthcare, affirmative action)?

What is the fundamental contradiction of the United States founding discussed by Alexander in this excerpt? Does this contradiction still exist in U.S. society?