Discuss how the proposal will provide needed information.

Should be at least 300 words and no more than 500 words. You must use at least 3 in text citations from the book which will be disclosed.

The meeting went well, actually extremely well. Sue and Hung found much in common. Sue’s husband was from Kansas City, and Hung lived there after fleeing South Vietnam in 1975.

They both enjoyed football, although Sue’s congratulations for the Chief’s victory was more a facade since her Cowboys’ Super Bowl expectations never materialized.

They both enjoyed traveling with many countries visited in common. The only friction was when she explained much of what he wanted done available through secondary data.

He argued that it was better to gather your own data since you had more control over it. The difference was more than philosophical; the project with Hung’s approach would be quadruple in cost of what she proposed.

It also seemed that Hung wanted the data to confirm to his agenda. Her job was marketing research, and she always listened to the client. With that said, they agreed on the research problem, even committed it to writing.

Evaluate Sue’s approach as a market researcher. You should discuss how the proposal will provide needed information. Done individually.