Why would a company continue to offer these discounted items despite losing money on them?

Have you ever seen items on a fast food menu priced at $1 or $2 each and wondered how the restaurant could possibly make any money by selling those products? In actuality, the profit margin for these items is generally slim, and sometimes restaurants even lose money on these dollar menu items.

Why, then, might restaurants continue offering and even promoting their discounted menu items? What about other types of businesses that offer deep discounts on particular products or services and that face the same challenges?

Is there a way to incorporate these low-cost offerings into a sustainable pricing strategy?

Post a 150- to 225-word (2- to 3-paragraph) explanation of the benefits and risks of low-cost product or service offerings for a business. In your explanation, address the following:

Why would a company continue to offer these discounted items despite losing money on them?

Is this pricing strategy financially sustainable for the businesses?
Other than loss of profits, what are some other possible negative consequences of businesses offering discounted products or services?