What were at least three goals of Congressional Reconstruction, and to what extent were they achieved in Texas?

Exam 2

Essay (40 Points)

Select one of the following prompts and write an essay as part of your exam. Remember, it is important
to be thorough in your work and really illustrate what you have learned, know, and understand about
the topic.

Discuss the main similarities and differences between the policies of Sam Houston and those or
Mirabeau Lamar, and describe the consequences of those policies.

Discuss at least three major problems and/or developments in Texas-Mexico relations during the era of
the Republic of Texas.

Discuss the major social, economic, and political developments on the home front during the Civil War.
Be sure to use specific examples to support your claims.

What were at least three goals of Congressional Reconstruction, and to what extent were they achieved
in Texas?

What were some of the major economic problems that Texas farmers faced during 1876-1898, and
what measures were taken to resolve these issues?