Do you believe that consumers will ever see price relief for organic foods, or do you believe that generally significant price distinctions will continue to exist between organic and conventionally grown items?

Assignment Directions:

Review the Unit 6 material on organic foods provided by the Mayo Clinic.

Mayo Clinic. (n.d.). Organic foods: Are they safer? More nutritious?

Use this Food Comparison Table to conduct a cost comparison between five conventionally grown and organically grown foods.

Answer the following questions listed below for Part 1 and Part 2:

Part 1: Organic Foods

How easy or challenging was it to find organically grown foods?

How were the organic foods labeled?

If your local grocer, supermarket, or discount outlet does not regularly stock organically grown foods, what is the reason for not doing so?

What rationale will you use to explain the cost differences that are generally observed between organic and conventionally grown foods to your clients?

There is no page number requirement.
be sure to include at least one outside source as part of your assignment.

Part 2: Reflection

In a 100-word reflection, discuss what you believe might be some factors in the growth of the organic food movement. Do you believe that consumers will ever see price relief for organic foods, or do you believe that generally significant price distinctions will continue to exist between organic and conventionally grown items?