How do state and regional association meetings differ from national association meetings? 

Question from chapter 3 & 4

Week 2 Assignment 1 – Review Questions

Answer the following review questions from Chapters 3 & 4:

1. Why are conventions important to associations for financial reasons?

2. What factors are important to associations when selecting sites to host their events?

3. How do state and regional association meetings differ from national association meetings?

4.  How important is price to association executives?  How does this impact a hotel’s sales efforts?

5.  One of the most popular locations for Association conventions is Orlando, Florida.

Why so you think that Orlando is so popular based on the association event requirements?

6.  Check out the Chicago Convention Center web site – what is Healthy Meetings Chicago?

7. Compare and contrast association and corporate meetings based on their lead time, attendance and site requirements.

8.  List the major sources for finding corporate meetings.

9.   Describe some of the types of meetings that corporations hold.

10. Any external circumstances that you want to share that might impact you this semester?