How does it impact legal authority or the interpretation of constitutional rights?

Case briefing

Legal Issues in Homeland Security class

Use the “Student Brief” format on the John Jay School of Criminal Justice document titled, “How to Brief a Case” found in the Week 3 Reading.

we will practice briefing a case to prepare for the midterm case briefing assignment due in Week 4. After reading through all materials presented in Week 3, consider the following.

You will write a short case brief on the Zubaydah case presented this week.

For the purposes of this forum, (where you will write case briefs for three cases).

Use the “Student Brief” format on the John Jay School of Criminal Justice document titled, “How to Brief a Case” found in the Week 3 Reading.
Facts of the case
Legal issue(s) argued

The ruling or decision by the Court, along with their justification
Were there any significant dissents? Briefly summarize.

Your brief analysis (What does the outcome mean? What is the significance?

How does it impact legal authority or the interpretation of constitutional rights?

Again, this is just practice. Give me the section and brief writing. This doesn’t have to be all that long.

make sure to use the proper format Use the “Student Brief” format on the John Jay School of Criminal Justice . this can be very short