What is the main argument put forth by the author(s) in discussing this global issue?

Apply global political theoretical approaches in assessment of relevant topics

Identify levels of analysis and key actors in assigned articles

Summarize and Assess information sources relevant to global politics

You must answer the following questions in their essay:

Question 1: What is the global issue raised in this article? Provide specific examples from the article to support your answer.

Question 2: What is the main argument put forth by the author(s) in discussing this global issue? What theoretical perspective (i.e., realist, liberal, constructivist, etc.) and empirical evidence do the authors use to support their argument(s)? Are they successful in effectively demonstrating their points? Provide specific examples from the article to support your answer.

Question 3: Identify the main actors (ex: individuals, states, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations) in the international system that influence the issue.

Provide specific examples from the article to support your answers. What level of analysis (i.e. individual, domestic, interstate, global/systemic, etc.) does the article use to explain the global issue? Explain and provide specific examples from the article.

Question 4: Considering the relevance of this issue today, what should be done in the future? What actors should respond and how? In your answer address the impact on and/or response by individuals, states, and transnational actors (IGOs, NGOs, etc.)