What goals do you as the worker have for this session-What goals does the client have?

Answer each questions base on the question and leave the questioned attached to it

Here the link to Halo https://haloministry.org/



In a few sentences, describe the content of your conversation (i.e. purpose of session, setting of session, background of case- brief history including demographics, etc.)

Im currently working with a young man at the shelter he is 25 years old, he recently started a job at the poltry factory, he has 2 kids his child mother stays in the women part of the shelter while he stay at the man shelter, he was incarcerated in the past , was released in 2020

He wants to leave the shelter and get his own place


What goals do you as the worker have for this session? What goals does the client have?

Help him with rehabilitation by finding a house and help as a social worker add extra stuff


Describe your plans for achieving the stated goals including any preparations/planning prior to the session.

Provide him with the resources needed, help him with housing application, housing vouvher if needed, food stamp , health insurance

4.INTERVIEW CONTENT (4-5 pages of single-spaced dialogue required)

Using the format presented below, briefly provide a verbatim account of a small portion of your interview with the client at the beginning, middle and ending of your session.