What kinds of emotional responses do you have to the content in your feed?

The Social Dilemma

After you watch the documentary, provide your typed answers to the following questions:

In your own words, what is the problem the film discusses?

Do you find yourself unconsciously checking your phone or certain apps?

Did this or the impulse to happen at all while watching the film?

What emotions seem to trigger this behavior?

What kinds of emotional responses do you have to the content in your feed?

What content tends to have a negative impact on your well-being? How often do you see it?

“You look over at the other [political] side, and you start to think, ‘How can those people be so stupid? How are they not seeing that same information?’ And the answer is: they are not seeing that same information.”

Do you think it’s important for everyone to have the same set of facts? Do you follow people and sources you disagree with? Why or why not?

What is your reaction to the information from the resources below?( Angry,surprised, indifferent, etc) Why?