What are the theories/theoretical frameworks and /or concepts that are engaged within the text?

Critical summaries provide the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the course readings while staying on schedule; they also help you come to class with ideas, questions, and thoughts to contribute to discussions.

Only one summary on one reading per week is permitted.

Stanley, Eric. 2011. “Introduction: Fugitive Flesh: Gender
Self-Determination, Queer Abolition, and trans resistance”?” In Captive

Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex,
Edinburgh: AK Press, pp. 1-11.Oparah, Julia C. 2012. “Feminism and the (Trans)gender Entrapment of Gender Nonconforming Prisoners.” UCLA Women’s Law Journal 18 (2):

What are the main goals of the text? How does /do the author(s) aim to achieve these goals?

What Are The Specific Arguments advanced by The author(s) in The text and how they are supported?

What are the theories/theoretical frameworks and /or concepts that are engaged within the text?

What Is The Specific Conclusion Of The text?