Discuss the role and steps of the client interview and various aspects of the investigation leading up to both civil litigation and the client interview.

read chapters 7 & 8 of the book: “Civil Litigation” (by Kerley, Hames, & Sukys). If you do not have access to this book,

After reading, answer the prompt in detail while using the book as a scholarly source. Cite the book in Bluebook format.

Link: https://www.cengage.com

Prompt: Prompt: After reading the two chapters, briefly discuss the various steps taken and the documents used in preparation for, and during, civil litigation.

Describe the discovery process, pre-trial motion, and the steps in a trial.

Discuss the role and steps of the client interview and various aspects of the investigation leading up to both civil litigation and the client interview.

Cite the scholarly source in Bluebook format. Below is assistance on how to cite a book in Bluebook format Bluebook Resource:
