Research online and find a recent article (within one year) which is directly relevant to any issue(s) in the class.

Article analysis

Research online and find a recent article (within one year) which is directly relevant to any issue(s) in the class. Post the link to the article. You should have three separate sections of your initial post:

(a) summary of the article,

(b) relation of the article to class,

(c) pose a question for your classmates about the article.

While you are certainly welcome to use an academic publication, you are not required to. An article from any legitimate news source (e.g. The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, or other local news site, etc.) is entirely acceptable.

Course description: Legal issues affecting corrections; constitutional issues involving rights of the convicted and civil liability of staff. Origin, development, and classification of criminal law in corrections. Rules of evidence, search and seizure, etc.