ho will conduct the evaluation, and who will collect the data and results ?

In 2 paragraphs, describe the strategies you will use to achieve these goals and objectives.also include any behavior change theory(ies) or planning models you used, and how you used it to select your intervention strategies.

Implementation Plan

Describe how the program will be implemented. Include a description of each strategy used (which of the

7 CDC strategies); must use 3 different strategies. Identify level of prevention and level of influence. For example,

The proposed program will utilize the following intervention strategies:

Strategy 1: Develop and deliver a health education program to …

Strategy 2: Organize and begin a walking group to …

Strategy 3: Advocate for policy change in the environment to …..

This section should indicate when each step will be conducted over the course of your 3‐year program.

Evaluation Concerns

In 2‐4 paragraphs, include a description of formative and summative evaluation ideas for this program, and how data will be collected. For example, there are 15 elements in formative evaluation (p. 367),  describe two process evaluation items (p. 370‐372).

Also, discuss your evaluation design as it relates to summative evaluation; either experimental, quasi‐experimental, or non‐experimental design (p. 378) and describe two impact evaluation items, including baseline data you will collect, in this section.

Describe two outcome evaluation items, including baseline data you will collect . Who will conduct the evaluation, and who will collect the data and results ?

Lastly, discuss three practical and ethical considerations with evaluations and how you plan to mitigate .

Marketing/Outreach Plan

In 2‐3 paragraphs, describe how you plan to advertise your program, reach/recruit your priority population into your program, and to share your final results back with the community. Often, this is a community meeting, town hall, presentation, or published report that community members and other stakeholders can access during and after the program ends.


Expenses Cost Donations Grant Request

Staff salaries and wages

Rental Space


Supplies and materials

Printing and copying


Marketing and advertising

Staff and volunteer training

Contract services




Classroom/Workshop supplies

Total $0 $0 $0

In‐kind contributions are donations of goods, services or time instead of cash. Think about areas you may be able to

get donations. For example, Office Max may be willing to donate $50 in supplies or a local church may donate the use

of one of their classrooms once a week for your 12 week session (worth $1200).

Budget Narrative

Explain expenses, revenue, or grant requests. Keep it short and to the point. Include a brief statement on how you determined costs (e.g. “We based salaries off of most recent Bureau of Labor and Statistics available data.”)