What are the problems involved with using the term ‘Hinduism’?

Choose one of the narrative texts we’ve read, and compare it to an adaptation of your choice. Do a close study of both – what are the changes that were made in adapting the work? Why do you think these changes were made – you may explore cultural, political, or social reasons and aspects of these adaptations.

For example: Ramayana and ‘Sita Sings the Blues’; an episode from the Mahabharata and its adaptation in film/television; Kabir’s poetry and its performance traditions as depicted in the film ‘Had Anhad,’ or any other adaptation you find [to be discussed with me, if the adaptation is not one we’ve covered in class].

Choose a concept we’ve discussed in class, and compare different approaches using two or more primary texts. What do you think changed and why? For example: caste [varna/jati] and its depictions; gender norms; sacrifice and violence; ideas of dharma; conceptions of the soul; desire in devotional traditions.

How did Hinduism in the South Asian subcontinent interact with other religious traditions? You may choose any of the texts we read as part of class on Hinduism and Islam to serve as evidence, or choose another religious tradition or text, eg. Christianity, Judaism, and pick your texts accordingly [after discussing with me over email or office hours].

What are the problems involved with using the term ‘Hinduism’? Explore arguments made by scholars both in favour of and against using this term – which arguments do you agree with, and why? Explain using examples from primary and secondary texts.

Why is it important to consider dialogue and dissent in religious traditions? Use primary and secondary texts that we have covered in class.

Another topic of your choice [discuss with me].