What experiences, background, or present challenges might be impacting those scores?

CQ Journal: CQ Assessment Reflection Assignment Instructions

Discuss why and how the concept of CQ is relevant to you and your future personal and career goals.

Discuss the results of your Cultural Intelligence Assessment.

Discuss your strengths and growth areas in each of the four CQ dimensions (Drive, Knowledge, Action, and Strategy).

Do you agree with your scores?

What surprises you about your scores.

What experiences, background, or present challenges might be impacting those scores?

Discuss the ways you will seek to increase your CQ in the next 4 weeks as we finish this course? What about over the next year?

How does Cultural Intelligence relate to God’s story, your story, and the global story?

How can you use your CQ to understand the story of others?

How could your CQ impact your ability to share God’s story across cultural boundaries?