Describe the article in ~1 page. Include why it is important and a general description of the topic.

As a scientist, it is important to be able to independently study topics that are of interest to you.

Electrochemistry has many applications and societal impacts. For this quiz, identify a topic of interest to you. Read a paper from the references provided.

Your primary paper must be one of the references suggested or obtain permission from the instructor. You are encouraged to use other sources to understand your primary source but must cite your sources.

You are permitted to discuss papers with your classmates, but must write your own answers. Ask the professor, TAs, or peer leaders if you need help Do not quote directly from the article or any other source.

Cite the primary reference here, including the article title. Use a proper citation method,

Describe the article in ~1 page. Include why it is important and a general description of the topic.

Include a thorough explanation of the electrochemistry involved. For some topics, there may be multiple electrochemical systems described.

You should select one area to focus on. If you are describing an experiment, you should clearly describe experimental setup, how experiments are run, the type of data collected, and how data is analyzed.

If you are describing a technology, you should fully explain how the technology works, what purpose it serves, and the strengths and

weaknesses of the approach. Your description should support the images described in points 3 &

Draw a model of at least one electrochemical system or setup.  draw it yourself, rather than pasting a picture. It is OK if it is very similar to the original picture, but be sure to cite your source.

Often it is better to prepare a simpler version of a figure in a paper. You may use photographs of a device or similar images from a paper in addition to your drawn schematic.

Be sure to include the chemistry that is involved in your system. Include chemical reactions, the identity of reagents, etc. You can simplify this information to include only the most critical compounds. You can also simplify structures as desired .

Describe why you chose the article.

Cite any additional references, again using proper formats.

If you want to work with a partner, please plan to write 2 pages. Be sure to submit a single entry in gradescope as a group assignment.

A list of topics can be found here:
