What type of illnesses may a professional in this field encounter?

Pick one of the following complementary health professions:


Herbal Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Homeopathic Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine



Osteopathic Medicine

Native American Healing

Music Therapy

Ayruvedic Medicine

Animal Therapy



Prepare a paper (maximums: 1” margins, 12-point Arial or Times New Roman fonts, can be double-spaced).

Paper should be divided into 4 main sections and include well-developed discussions for each subsection. Be sure to use the following subtitles and discuss each of the points outlined below:

Background (~1 page)

Explain the basic overview of your selected profession.

Discuss the historical context of your chosen profession. When and where was the profession first established?

If your selected profession was established somewhere besides the United States, describe its introduction in the United States.

Cultural Context (~2 pages)

Describe the cultural context of your chosen field. How did it come to be and how is it integrated into everyday life?

How accepted is your profession in the US and around the world?

What are some common misconceptions that exist about your chosen field? How do professionals counteract stigmas associated with their field?

Research and Application (~2 pages)

Discuss areas of new research in your selected profession. Use the following link and the ASU library to find relevant research: https://nccih.nih.gov/researchLinks to an external site.

What are some surprising ways that your field may be used to improve health?

How does this profession complement Orthodox medicine practices?

What type of illnesses may a professional in this field encounter?

What barriers do professionals in your selected field encounter? Ex:

Does insurance cover their services? Is there enough evidence-based research to support the treatment? Is it safe?

Conclusion (~1 page)

How does this field contribute to overall health and well-being?
Imagine you were to set up an office as this health professional, how would you go about getting new patients and educating them about what you do? What other services would you provide