Describe behaviors in the organization that might be considered strengths and others that might be considered opportunities for improvement.

With this assessment, you will explore some of the data analysis tools and techniques needed to present data for a change-management initiative.

Create a PowerPoint presentation intended for leaders and other stakeholders at your chosen organization. Introduce your audience to the problem of practice you identified along with your analysis of causes embedded in the organization and potential solutions.

In your presentation, complete the following:

Describe the organization.

Identify the type of organization it is.

Note the size of the organization: the approximate number of employees, teachers, and students or clients.

Describe the organization’s mission or purpose.

Apply systems thinking to analyze the complex and interrelated relationships between the various parts of the organization.

Describe the organizational issue to be explored or investigated.

Describe the general issue, process, or organizational challenge to be explored as a potential applied improvement project (AIP).

Explain how the issue is related to the organizational mission, vision, or values. Why does this problem matter to the organization and what could happen if it is not improved?

Where in the organization can the problem be seen? Apply systems thinking to analyze the complex and interrelated relationships between the various parts of the organization.

Why do you think this problem is occurring? Consider including a visual representation or map of the organization’s structure to pinpoint the causes of the problem within the organization.

Present data that explains the organizational issue.

Synthesize these data to highlight causes, impacts, and other aspects of the issue:

Field interview results.

Visual analyses such as a force field analysis or fishbone diagram.
Existing organizational records.

Charts, graphs, infographics, or other representations.

Scholarly research.

Present a root-cause analysis and a SWOT or SOAR analysis of the organizational issue.

Argue the significance of those causes and other elements identified by these tools.

Describe behaviors in the organization that might be considered strengths and others that might be considered opportunities for improvement.

How are these behaviors related? Apply systems thinking to evaluate the relationships between these strengths and opportunities for improvement.

Describe interventions that might help the organization continue to improve.

Explain potential challenges when implementing these interventions.

Present strategies for addressing these challenges.

Organizes content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions.

Enhance clarity with organizational tactics that establish relationships between the main topic and subtopics.

Additional Requirements

Correctness and clarity: Use Campus resources to ensure that written communications are free of errors that detract from the overall message.