How would the curves shift and how would equilibrium price and quantity change?


The assignments should be typed in Word. Diagrams and graphs, however, may

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Problem 1

The demand and supply functions for hockey sticks are represented by the following

equations, where Qd is the number of crates of sticks demanded, Qs is the number of crates

of sticks supplied and P is the price per stick in dollars:

Qd = 286 – 2P

Qs = 88 + 4P

a) Plot the supply and demand curves for hockey sticks.

b) Calculate the equilibrium price and quantity in the market for hockey sticks.

c) A major industry advertising campaign increases the demand for hockey sticks to

the new equation Qd = 328 – 2P; plot the new demand curve together with the

original demand curve and the original supply curve and calculate the new

equilibrium price and quantity; by how much has the revenue to suppliers changed?

d) Returning to the original demand and supply curves, if there was a shortage of

wood, causing a shift in the industry supply curve, how would equilibrium price

and quantity change?

e) Returning to the original demand and supply curves, if there was a recession

causing a contraction in consumer incomes, but not affecting suppliers, how would

the curves shift and how would equilibrium price and quantity change?