Why are you supportive of that particular religion(s) being promoted and not other religions?

Separation of Church and Public Education

Separation of church and state has long been a hotly debated issue in the United States. In addition, so has the separation of church and public education. note, the basis of this discussion is based on public and not private education.

Here’s a modern day example. In the state of Texas, intelligent design, based on a Christian religious principle that God created the Universe, is taught along side the theory of evolution which is based on scientific principles, in their public schools. If some conservative Texas state politicians had their way, evolution, based on science, would not be allowed to be discussed or taught at all in the Texas public school system.

Should public schools promote the beliefs of the dominate religion in the United States: Christianity? Should scientific findings drive curriculum or should personal religious beliefs?

If you feel it is acceptable to promote religion in public education, which religion(s) should be incorporated into the American public education system?

Why are you supportive of that particular religion(s) being promoted and not other religions? If you believe only a specific religion or set of religions should be promoted, why should others’ views, i.e., other religions, be ignored or marginalized?