What suggestions do you propose to conduct other types of mass shootings?

Read The Philadelphia Foot Patrol Experiment: A randomized controlled trial of police patrol effectiveness in violent crime hotspots found at https://blueravenintelligence.com/wp-

a. Do the authors’ assertions in the study have both logical and empirical support?

b. What was the methodology used to conduct the study?

c. Would it be possible to replicate this study? How?

d. What was the research design for this study?

The second essay consists of these instructions:
Read ASIS CRISP Report Mass homicides by employees in the American workplace.
Answer the following questions:

a. Do the authors’ assertions in the study have both logical and empirical support?

b. What are the research findings on this topic?

c. What was the methodology used to conduct the study?

d. What suggestions do you propose to conduct other types of mass shootings?