What were your reactions after reading the texts and watching the videos?

1. Choose a prompt from the discussion questions that you want to develop into a research paper. For example: What did you know about Thanksgiving? Who told you about it for the first time? What did they tell you?

What were your reactions after reading the texts and watching the videos?

Were there religious motives among the European settlers when they celebrate Thanksgiving? Are these motives justified?

Why did people around us never talk about the truth about the Thanksgiving?

How can we repair harms that have been done to native peoples? Should we still celebrate Thanksgiving? Or how can we celebrate Thanksgiving differently?

2. Collect data, build your argument, and outline your thesis statement.

3. Write a 2-page research paper. Every claim you make must be backed by data; so cite or show where the data comes from. be consistent in your citations.

4. Do not forget to put a Bibliography.