What are the relevant elements of the disciplinary perspectives that will be important to your project?

Topic: Transhumanism.

Try to come up with some guiding questions for your project to direct the focus. Remember that you are not attempting to answer the guiding questions, but rather to demonstrate how one might approach doing an interdisciplinary research project on the topic.

Requirements: The final paper should be about 5-pages (double-spaced) and must include:

1) A clear statement of the problem and guiding question(s).

2) Justification for using an interdisciplinary approach to study the issue.

3) Identification of the relevant disciplines.

4) Consideration of the disciplinary perspectives that compose the relevant disciplines and how those perspectives connect to the problem.

As an example of some of the types of detail you might include in your final paper:

Definitions of any technical or ambiguous terms

An explanation of how you decided on the focus/scope of the topic.

What have disciplinary research projects on the topic missed?

What are the relevant disciplines for your project and how did you choose them?

What are the relevant elements of the disciplinary perspectives that will be important to your project?

Reflect on how elements of multiple disciplinary perspectives can be used in a holistic approach to your topic.