What would be on your “no “list to protect your time and create boundaries in the before mentioned areas?

Common Read In-Class Activity 3


“The only person who is going to keep you from feeling overworked and overwhelmed is YOU” Scott Eblin

Focus on What You Can Control

What 3 things are causing professional stress or feeling overwhelmed in your life?

Are there things that can be delegated to others on the before mentioned items?

Are their people you can collaborate with on the before mentioned items? Who (be specific)?

To avoid further stress /sense of feeling overwhelmed. What would be on your “no “list to protect your time and create boundaries in the before mentioned areas?

Simplifying Choices

Major / Career paralysis is a major issue among college students. There are so many options and pathways, how can you just select one? This is a common statement/feeling amongst college students. Let’s practice narrowing your options to help you make a more mindful decision.

Select your top 3 function and industry areas

Business Function Area List


Research and Development

Purchasing / Sourcing

Sale/ Marketing

Human Resources






Product /Service Development

Information Technology


Project Management

Public Relations


Data Analytics

Creative and Design


Add your own

Industry List

Advertising & Agencies

Architecture & Design

Art & Music

Client Services & Consulting



Energy & Natural Resources

Entertainment & Gaming

Fashion & Beauty


Food & Beverage

Government and Policy




Law Enforcement & Security

Manufacturing & Industrial

Media & Publishing



Pharma & Biotech

Staffing & Recruiting



Travel & Hospitality

Transportation and Logistics

Thinking back to your workview/lifeview. What are your top three values? Use of this grid will help determine which combination for function/industry aligns with your values.

Function List Value1 Value  2 Value 3

Industry List Value1 Value  2 Value 3

This grid is a modification of the MUSE Grid from the book The New Rules of Work

What are 5 things you would like to research/explore to assess your listed functions/industries?

Decision making is a team sport, so who are 5 people you would like to talk with before making a decision?

To make the most of your college experience you do not want to be paralyzed by the numerous career options available. To makes sure the rest of your journey is focused and intentional; gather, narrow, choose, and let go.


Growth Mindset

Designers have a bias to action on their curiosity. How can you make curiosity and growth apart of your daily life?

Fixt Mindset

What are your top 5 fixed mindset triggers?

Grit Scale

Use the following link to find your Grit score. https://angeladuckworth.com/grit-scale/

What is your Grit score? Were you surprised by your results?

What are your top intrinsic motivators?

What is your “why” regarding school/career?

What is your capacity to practice or master things?

What keeps you hopeful about the future?