Is this cost effective for Amazon-Does it affect public opinion and increase sales?

1.Describe a current event, which presents a company with the opportunity to be socially


Topics could include:


Income Equality

Food Equality

Access to Technology

Gender Equality


Climate Change

Research current events on any of the topics listed above (or others). Determine if private companies

have a role to contribute to the societal improvement in any of these areas. Pick one topic.

Formulate an opinion and defend your position.

– Define the topic.

– Discuss a current event relating to that topic.

– Take a position on what would be the ‘right’ thing for a company to do.

– What are the tradeoffs a company should consider (example: profit vs pollution)

Support your position from any material available including: textbook, on line news related to current

events, personal experience, other material.


– Climate change.

– Amazon commits to purchase 100,000 electric vehicles to reduce fuel emissions.

– What would be your position on this action (support this with material)

– Is this cost effective for Amazon? Does it affect public opinion and increase sales?