Provide a brief description of the group’s demographics and the specific communications needs that may extend from your presented, assessed social demographics.

Prepare 750 – word essay in which you:

1) Identify each of the Communications Strategy Principles as set forth in your readings. Define and examine in specific, the principle of ‘focus on the needs of your customers’ and in doing so, describe why you feel this principle is important.

2) Once done so, select and identify a basic emergency management audience as defined in your readings. Provide a brief description of the group’s demographics and the specific communications needs that may extend from your presented, assessed social demographics.

Are there barriers extending from the group’s demographic attributes that might impact the successful application of the Communication Strategy Principle of ‘focusing on the needs of your customers’ and serve to potentially prevent the group from ‘receiving’ your social media messages?

Describe some strategies you would employ to overcome those assessed barriers. Be specific in support of your position
Note that research and investigation beyond those materials indicated in the courseware may be required.