How did the source material you used influence the ways in which you approached genre conventions?

Reflection of ENG 160 class

A four-page reflective essay that is a written reflection on your progress across the semester as a writer of college-level academic prose. Some questions to consider:

How did the course readings, class discussions, and writing exercises influence your approach to each assignment? How did you find your subject matter for each project?

In choosing paper topics, did you attempt to make connections to course readings, the subject matter of other courses, or your long-term educational or professional goals?

What sort of efforts did you make to understand the genre you were being asked to write in? How did the genre of each project determine your language choices, tone, and organization?

How did the source material you used influence the ways in which you approached genre conventions?

As you wrote or revised, did you ever make a conscious choice to resist the conventions of the genre you were working in? If so, why?

Consequences. What are the potential consequences of your writing? Can you connect the ideas you developed in your writing projects to an on-going public conversation outside the classroom?

Could your writing change people’s minds about an important issue? If given the opportunity, how might you share the ideas developed in your writing projects?

So what? Why does becoming a stronger writer matter to you? What are some of the most significant lessons from the course that you will be taking into your future academic, personal, and/or professional life?