Will you break them up into groups and have them read scripture?

You have been hired by your local church, synagogue, or mosque to put together a night of interfaith dialogue in your community.

Although your community is quite diverse, including many people of all faiths and no faith, your employers want to keep this night to just three groups: Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

Your very first job is to pick a theme for the evening. (By way of guidance, your employers inform you that when they have thrown this event in the past, themes have included Hospitality, Love of Neighbor, and Reading Scripture.)

What theme do you choose, and why? Write a memo to your employers letting them know why you think your chosen theme will lead to a successful evening.

You could do this by arguing for the importance of the theme to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, using examples from significant scriptures or figures in each religion.

You could also provide indications as to what activities you will organize around the themes, what you’ll be asking your attendees to do during their few short hours together, etc.

Will you break them up into groups and have them read scripture? Will you host a dinner while a speaker addresses the whole room? Or something else?