Explain why/how expanding Medicaid in Alabama is not the right way to improve the health disparity you chose and offer an alternative.

Opinion Piece (Op-Ed) Assignment


Write an opinion piece (op-ed) with a newspaper as the target. The topic is health disparities and Medicaid Expansion in Alabama. Your op-ed should be between 800 – 1000 words. This Op-Ed piece will be informed by the Michener book (Fragmented) and video lectures about health disparities, but you will likely need to look up additional information depending on which health disparity you wish to focus on.

Required Components of the Opinion Piece (Op-Ed)

• Choose a minimum of one and a maximum of three health disparities as your focus. If you choose more than one, they should be related because of the nature of an op-ed (short and focused). Remember to focus on Alabama.

• Explain why/how expanding Medicaid in Alabama would improve the health disparity you chose.
• Explain why/how expanding Medicaid in Alabama is not the right way to improve the health disparity you chose and offer an alternative.

• https://www.linfield.edu/linfield-news/working-with-the-media/how-to-write-and- place-an-opinion-column/
• https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/files/hks-communications- program/files/new_seglin_how_to_write_an_oped_1_25_17_7.pdf
• https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2020/05/04/writing-submitting-opinion-piece/